4-5x mile with 400m rest gradually getting faster
2.7 warmup
4xmile in 5:40, 5:35, 5:30, 5:20
2.3 cool down for 10 miles total
Prior to this morning, I hadn't been on the track for anything longer than 400m repeats since the CRC 100x5k back in March 2011. I was excited, yet slightly nervous, for this adventure on the track for mile repeats. I had mile repeats on the schedule, but Laurie had a different flavor of the same workout, so I opted for hers. The goal was to get faster on each one and to end around 5:20 pace. Laurie met at my house and we ran to JCSU to start our workout in the dark. Charlie showed up a few minutes later and started his own workout at a faster pace than us. Laurie and I alternated leads on each repeat, and it is amazing how we nailed the paces. Every single lap was basically perfect...and by perfect I mean right at 85 for the 5:40 mile, plus or minus .2 seconds. On the last one I had to lead us to a 5:20, so the pressure was on. Fortunately we nailed it! I was tired after that fourth one and admittedly it was a little hard to run 5:20 in the trainers on the track. A part of me wished that I had worn my racing flats, but it didn't really matter.
It was definitely great to have Laurie and Charlie out there because if they hadn't been there, I would have ditched the track after two lonely laps and opted for the roads. Surprisingly, I rather enjoyed the time on the track and wouldn't be opposed to heading back out to JCSU in the near future for another speedy workout.
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