Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Brand New Patio Fire Pit

Disclaimer: This is a post I wrote a couple of weekends ago when we had an abnormal day of 70 degree weather in JANUARY! I figured it would be appropriate to post on a day where it is only 20 degrees and dropping. I know I'm not the only one longing for warmer temperatures!

Thanks to Hip2Save I scored this awesome patio fire pit for only $25! And there was free shipping! The original post alerting the masses is here. I follow Colin on Facebook as well so I jumped on the deal when I saw her post it! If you're not following her blog or her Facebook...you're missing out! She's always posting great freebies and sales. I've gotten a ton of cool free stuff from following her! I've mentioned some of those things here and here

These patio fire pits are rarely any cheaper than $50. My husband and I have been hoping and waiting for a sale on the one that Target sells. It's regularly priced at $70. They can range up to $200 or more for the really nice ones. I was so excited when I found one for $25! 

The package finally came in on a Friday evening and we immediately put it together. I was way too excited about such a little thing! 

It was already late and very dark out so we decided to wait till the following evening. When we got back from our visit to Ivy Creek Park we gathered some small logs and sticks from the tree line behind our townhouse. The high that day was 70 degrees! It's mid-January people! It was crazy but we did all we could to enjoy it! 

I set up a good fire. Gotta make my dad proud! 

Lighting it! 

In no time it became a beautiful little fire. 

It was perfect for keeping us warm as the night cooled off.

And for a couple of nice, relaxing hours, we pretended we lived out in the country again. Don't get my wrong, we love Lynchburg! We just miss living in the country. 

Now all we need is some patio furniture...

How do you take advantage of unseasonably warm days? How do you deal with the extra cold ones?

Till next time,

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