8 Runs
19 mile long run with 2 miles uptempo
2 Days in Nashville
After completing mile repeats on Tuesday, I set out on Friday to do a 19.5 mile long run at 5:15AM with Matt, Phil, Derrick, Brad and Charlie. We went on the greenway before picking up Brad and company and in those first 70 minutes, I felt like a million bucks. The run went downhill after that. My legs felt heavy and sore, and I account it fully to the asphalt. My last three long runs have been perfect, perhaps due to the soft terrain at McAlpine. I definitely don't like running long downtown as it results in much more wear and tear on my legs. After the unforgiving long run, Garrett, John and I embarked on the seven hour road trip to Nashville, TN to reunite with several Wake Forest friends to celebrate the marriage of Molly and Jared, some of our former Wake teammates. Most importantly, I was able to reunite with Merry, who was just three days back from a two year stint in the the Dominican Republic as a Peace Corps volunteer. With the help from Merry and Liz, I was able to get in 90 minutes of running in the morning in the frigid (for October) temperatures on the greenway of downtown Nashville. Obviously, with a wedding and lots of driving, it made sense to make this a down week, and I did just that. I didn't double on Sunday just so that I could say I ran 85 miles this week. Instead, I got a respectable 80 miles, and felt good doing it. It's late on Sunday night so I'm off to get some much needed rest...And I get to sleep in tomorrow since it's a holiday!
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