16x400m with 1:00 rest at 77-78
3.4 mile warmup
79 (60)
76 (60)
79 (53)
77 (60)
77 (58)
76 (58)
77 (59)
77 (119)
76 (57)
78 (59)
76 (58)
77 (58)
78 (58)
77 (59)
76 (56)
2.5-ish cool down for 11 miles total
I performed this workout on Thursday instead of Friday because I am driving to Nashville, TN tonight after work to begin my epic trek to Indiana to visit Garrett for the first and only time this season. Fortunately, I was still able to recruit some guys for company on this one: Matt, Brad, Caleb and David. We all met at the Wilmore Welcome Center and jogged over to JCSU at 5:40am for some early repeats on the track. Since I had just completed a 3x2 mile workout only 2 days prior, I wasn't entirely sure if I could hit my target paces. Fortunately, the company of the boys pulled me along to hit the goal for the most part. In fact, this was the first track workout in a while where I really just ran, without looking at splits or anything. I just cruised along, trusting in what my legs were doing. After 8 laps, we took a 2 min break to grab some much needed water before beginning the second half of the quarters. I don't think I've actually completed the full 16x400m workout in the last three times I've done this, so I was pleased that I powered through to actually complete the entire workout for once. Another new goal for this season--complete all of my #1 and #2 most important workouts for that week, which Mark has conveniently prioritized for me.
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