Saturday, July 6, 2013

Derek Jeter Workout and Diet Secret

Derek Jeter Height Weight Workout and Diet

What you need to know

Derek Jeter Workout routine and Diet plan
Derek Jeter fitness secret training exercises

Derek Jeter Workout and Diet. Derek Jeter was born on June 26, 1974 is an American baseball shortstop who has played 18 seasons in MLB for the New York Yankees. He puts in his time in the gym to not only create an award winning physique that attracts the hottest chicks, but one that makes him an athletic powerhouse capable of being the best shortstop ever. His stamina along with the playing skills enforced him to continue the game for 18 seasons in MLB. Let us look at his fitness training.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Harry Styles Workout and Diet Secret

Harry Styles Height Weight Body Workout and Diet

What you need to know

Harry Styles Workout routine and Diet plan
Harry Styles fitness secret training exercises

Harry Styles Workout and Diet. Harry Styles was born on 1 February 1994 was the lead singer for the band White Eskimo with band members lead guitarist Haydn Morris, bass guitarist Nick Clough and drummer Will Sweeny. He is best known for The X Factor. He is one of the member of English-Irish pop boy band, One Direction. He to have a body like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. For that, he is seriously doing all the stuff, which is told by his trainer. Let us look at his fitness secret training.

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June in Review

Week of June 17:
53 miles
6 Days Running
Half Marathon Champs in 5th to last place, 1:20:04
1 Day Off

Week of June 24:
4.5 miles
6 Days off
2 Days in Quebec
Reunion with my husband

Week of July 1:
35 Miles
1 Day off
4 Days in Quebec
5k Race

This summer of racing has definitely had its share of highs and lows--starting first with an abysmal performance at the NC USATF 10k Champs in May, followed shortly thereafter with quite possibly my best 5k performance since my freshman year of college, culminating with the worst half performance I've had, ever.  I don't have any excuse about my performance in Duluth, but I do know that surely it is not any indicator of where my true fitness truly lies.  Sure, there were a couple of hiccups along the way, like a unexpected throbbing pain in my lower back the night before the race, so agonizing that I wasn't sure I could even start the race.  Fortunately, my back calmed down after I warmed up, so basically I just had a very bad day and shrugged the bad performance off about the same time that I saw Laurie coming in for the finish in her marathon.   Of course I wanted to run faster and prove that I could indeed run with some of the best female distance runners in the country, but I have plenty of opportunities ahead of me to do so, again and again.  I will continue to improve and every race, even the worst of them, are putting me one step closer to achieving my latest goals.

Most importantly, I took a step back and realized there are few things that I need to get in order--(1) get a coach and (2) execute the lifting plan Garrett made me last year.  I'm working on #1 and I haven't started on #2 because I'm just now finishing up my two weeks of rest!  Of course I'm dreading the three days a week that I will need to lift, but I'll get over it soon enough, so long as I stick to the plan.  My mini vacation to visit Garrett was a great way for me to reflect on my running and what I want to focus on next.  The perfect, dry air cool temperatures provided me great inspiration to get training again for what I know will be a terrific fall of racing.  

I'm looking forward to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon on October 6th.  Beyond that, I may be toying with the idea of a winter marathon with Meagan, Laurie and Sarah, but I'm not making any decisions until summer has past.  Fortunately, the fall is a long time away and I still have two more months of training through the North Carolina swamp.  I hope to get in some good base mileage over July and August before buckling down into longer interval and tempo training in preparations for a marathon!

Several people have asked about the Trials and what my goal may be there and, for purposes of full disclosure, I would indeed love to qualify for the Trials, but I also have hopes of starting a family around the same time that the Trials would be held.  My goal will be to qualify, but with the understanding and acceptance that family would trump athletic events.   Until then, every mile I run will be for achieving the Trials standard!

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 7/6/13

Partition any way you want, for time

2000 meter run or row
100 burpee pullups

*Long Course Meters*

4x150 w/:10 rest (100 swim/50 kick)
4x100 Pull @ 1:45 (descend 1-4)
6x50 @ 1:05 (descend stroke count 1-3, 4-6)
3x400 w/:20 sec rest (200 pull/get out & dive in/200 swim FAST!)
6x50 @ 1:10 (25 kick/25 sailboat drill)
3x400 w/:20 sec rest (200 pull/get out & dive in/200 swim FAST!)
6x50 @ 1:00 (2 FAST!/1 easy)
200 cool down
*4500 total*

4x150 w/:10 rest (100 swim/50 kick)
6x50 @ 1:15 (descend stroke count 1-3, 4-6)
2x400 w/:30 sec rest (200 pull/get out & dive in/200 swim FAST!)
6x50 @ 1:30 (25 kick/25 sailboat drill)
2x400 w/:30 sec rest (200 pull/get out & dive in/200 swim FAST!)
6x50 @ 1:00 (2 FAST!/1 easy)
200 cool down
*3300 total*

4x150 w/:20 rest (100 swim/50 kick)
6x50 w/:15 rest (descend stroke count 1-3, 4-6)
2x400 w/:45 sec rest (200 pull/get out & dive in/200 swim FAST!)
6x50 w/:20 rest (25 kick/25 sailboat drill)
6x50 w/:15 rest (2 FAST!/1 easy)
200 cool down
*2500 total*

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Salma Hayek Workout and Diet Secret

Salma Hayek Height Weight Body Workout and Diet

What you need to know

Salma Hayek Workout routine and Diet Plan
Salma Hayek liquid detox diet program secret

Salma Hayek Workout routine and Diet Plan. Salma Hayek was born on September 2, 1966 is a American film actress, director and producer. She is best known for his roles in Desperado, Frida, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Puss in Boots. The film actress, director and producer received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for her performance as Frida Kahlo in the movie Frida. She keeps a close eye on her weight. For this she daily checks her weight. Let us look at her fitness secret training.

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CrossFit Workout - Friday 7/5/13

6 rounds, rest as needed

200 meter row sprint - max effort
15 box jumps

Record fastest row sprint time on board. 

Warmup: CrossFit warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds

Cool down: Trainer's choice

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/4/13

Happy 4th of July everyone!

We have special holiday hours Thursday.  We have three start times, 8:00am, 8:30am and 9:00am. There are no early morning or afternoon workouts today due to the holiday.

Choice of one WOD today:

3 rounds for time of:
800 meter run (2-400 meter laps to Detroit)
30 DB squat cleans (50lb-M/35lb-W)
30 burpees
(scale dumbbell weight as needed)

1 mile run
125 ball slams
100 jumping squats
75 hand release pushups
50 burpees

Warmup & Cool down:  Trainer's choice

600 w/fins
400 (100 IM/100 free, repeat)
200 choice drill
12x25 @ :30 (2 FAST!/1 easy)
500 pull (build each 100)
8x75 @ 1:30 (50 FAST!/25 easy)
500 pull (3/5/7/5/3 breathing pattern by 100)
6x150 w/fins @ 2:30 (100 FAST!/50 easy)
500 choice cool down
*4500 Total*

500 w/fins
400 (100 non-free/100 free, repeat)
100 choice drill
12x25 @ :40 (2 FAST!/1 easy)
400 pull (build each 100)
6x75 @ 1:50 (50 FAST!/25 easy)
400 pull (3/5/3/5 breathing pattern by 100)
4x150 w/fins @ 3:10 (100 FAST!/50 easy)
400 choice cool down
*3500 Total*

400 w/fins
400 (100 drill/100 free, repeat)
12x25 w/:10 rest (2 FAST!/1 easy)
300 pull (build each 100)
4x75 w/:20 rest (50 FAST!/25 easy)
300 pull (3/5/3 breathing pattern by 100)
4x100 w/fins w/:30 rest (50 FAST!/50 easy)
100 choice cool down
*2500 Total*

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/3/13

Gina's Birthday Hangover WOD

CF Cleveland AB Routine with a twist

43 reps each x 4 rounds, for time

Show up to see the twist(s) 

Warmup: 1500 meter row
Cool down: Trainer's choice

How to Choose Blinds for Your Home {Guest Post}

Today I'm happy to bring you another guest post! This time, it is Danielle from the Melbourne Blind Company giving us some tips for choosing blinds for our homes! Take it away, Danielle!

Things to consider when choosing new blinds for your home

Maybe you�re sick of your current d�cor, or you don�t want to repair those old broken ones, buying new blinds can be surprisingly affordable. When you have decided that you prefer blinds to furnish your windows over the more traditional option of curtains, the first thing you will need to ask yourself is, what kind? What would you like your blinds to do; Keep eyes out? Keep light out? Provide privacy? Add colour? Filter light? Create ambiance?

There are a variety of blinds available, and they can be custom designed to suit the style and decor of your home, like those at the Melbourne Blind Company. From translucent roller blinds to romans and timber venetians, there are many to choose from. Blinds are considered a less formal style of window furnishings and are commonly seen in family areas, particularly to block out the sun which provides protection from UV rays by day and the added comfort of insulation at night. 

If you have a really large window space to cover, any kind of vertical blind, including panel blinds, are the best option as they allow for a long stretch of coverage. These come in both light and heavier options, but when the months are getting colder, insulation is what you need. You can layer blinds behind curtains, or purchase blinds that use thicker fabric.

You should look at the materials and the environment in which they will be used. Consider what will work best in wet areas such as bathrooms and laundries where dampness can be a problem if you don't have good ventilation. For the bedroom and living room, think about comfort and which blinds will not only look good, but also provide decent ventilation.

Also, be open to different types of blinds for different rooms. There is no reason for only having Verticals or Romans in every room of the home. Mix and match the style to suit the atmosphere of each room and for bedrooms, the taste of the person who lives in that room. Blinds are a really versatile way to furnish the windows in your home and instantly create a new, vibrant feel.

Thanks so much Danielle for your awesome post! My home is way overdue for some sprucing up with easy additions like blinds and curtains! 

Do you have blinds, curtains, or both in your house? What is your favorite style of blinds? 

Till next time,

Monday, July 1, 2013

Spontaneous Weekend Visits

Can you believe it's July 1st? How in the world did June slip by so fast? 

That's ok...bring on the fall weather!!

This past weekend my mother-in-law and brother-in-law decided to come down for a spontaneous trip! We love having friends and family visit so we were super excited that they decided to come over!


When we got official word they were on their way and after a trip to the grocery store, my husband and I went into a cleaning frenzy. He helped, though, really. Now I don't see this as a fault and I know my in-laws and friends won't think less of me if the house isn't spotless (who has time to keep a house 'spotless'?), but when people come over, it is a perfect excuse to clean the house in record time! Works like a charm. I'm a pretty organized and clean person, but the house always looks great seconds before guests arrive! 

They arrived late Friday evening and so we mostly talked and played games. I had to work Saturday morning so everyone else stayed up and hung out when I went to bed early like the old lady I am. Saturday afternoon we all went down to the Farmer's Market to sample and buy local, delicious goodies. We bought eggs and potatoes for a super late breakfast and even bought the most delicious goat cheese from Spring Mill Farm. Sun dried tomato goat cheese is my guilty is to die for!

After the Market and a delicious homemade breakfast (at 2pm?!) we relaxed for a bit but then decided we should go out and enjoy the day. The hot, hot day. We drove down to Peaks View Park and walked the trails and got some sun. It was really nice, but quite hot. We were ready for some AC after a few miles!

Even Kito got to come along! He had a blast!

Don't tell but we even stopped by DQ on the way back for smore's blizzards! 

Sunday we made poppyseed chicken (delicious...recipe post in the works!) and butter! Yes, we made our own butter! It's incredibly easy but I won't give it all away now. I'll try and have that in a post for you all this week! 

All in all in was a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to have them out again!

And to top it off, now that it's's officially my birthday month! This is the first birthday in about 5 years now that the camp we always work isn't happening during my birthday! Not that we don't love working camp, but I'm so excited to actually get to celebrate my birthday this year! It's also my "quarter of a century" birthday as my husband likes to remind me, so we're thinking an awesome celebration is in order! I can hardly wait!

How was your weekend? Do anything fun or productive? What are some awesome birthday ideas? I'm up for cliche� or unique ideas! 

Till next time,

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 7/2/13

DB Burpee Fran

For time, 21-15-9 reps of
DB thruster


Warmup: 50 reps each, any combo: mountain climber (4 count), pushup, jumping squat & kb swing plus one 600 meter run. 

Cool down: wall sit, 3 minutes total

10 min choice swim
6 min kick (:30 FAST!, :30 easy, repeat)
#1-5 Catch-up w/stick or single paddle @ :50
#6-10 25 right arm/25 left arm @ :55
#11-15 25 Scull/25 Swim @ :60
#16-20 25 non-free/25 free @ :55
5x100 @ 1:40 (50 Kick/50 Swim)
3x400 pull w/:20 rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
12x25 w/fins @ :30 (1-6 underwater kick, 7-12 FAST!)
400 choice with fins
*~4200 total*

10 min choice swim
6 min kick (:30 FAST!, :30 easy, repeat)
#1-5 Catch-up w/stick or single paddle @ 1:10
#6-10 25 right arm/25 left arm @ 1:05
#11-15 25 Scull/25 Swim @ 1:15
#16-20 25 non-free/25 free @ 1:05
3x300 pull w/:20 rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
12x25 w/fins @ :40 (1-5 underwater kick, 6-10 FAST!)
300 choice with fins
*~3200 total*

10 min choice swim
6 min kick (:30 FAST!, :30 easy, repeat)
20x50 w/:10 rest:
#1-5 Catch-up w/stick or single paddle
#6-10 25 right arm/25 left arm
#11-15 25 Scull/25 Swim
#16-20 25 non-free/25 free
3x200 pull w/:20 rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
8x25 w/fins w/:10 rest (odds FAST!, evens easy)
200 choice with fins
*~2400 total*