Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jason Johnson: Bodybuilder & Wrestler

Top high school wrestler, college student, natural bodybuilder: Jason Johnson, 22 years old, was photographed by PumpingMuscle.com in the fall of 2009 a couple of weeks before he won the men's open welterweight class at the 2009 NPC Excalibur bodybuilding show in Culver City, California. Jason landed his first magazine cover in the spring of 2010.

Jason's stats:
Year of Birth: 1987 Height: 5' 5" Weight: 160 lbs Waist: 28 1/2" Chest: 42 1/2" Arms: 17" Forearms: 14" Thighs: 23 1/2" Calves: 15 1/4" Neck: 16"

In this video Jason introduces himself and poses:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sabit Kelmendi: Bigger Biceps

Wanna get big guns like Sabit Kelmendi? The bodybuilder performs three efficient exercises for bigger biceps in these videos:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rob Riches Trains Shoulders

"I want to train the shoulder muscles to get stronger and bigger", fitness trainer and model Rob Riches explains. "This shoulder workout was a basic one at that with only four exercises, but each one was performed with all-out intensity and worked beyond my threshold, meaning my body has to adapt by recovering and growing bigger and stronger to be able to manage heavier weights for my next workout."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New AAG Model: Sami

Sami comes to AllAmericanGuys via Finland. He currently resides in the USA and hopes to make it big in the fitness and physique industries. Aside from modeling, Sami is a personal trainer. Some of his hobbies include skiing and dancing. Sami was first scouted by AAG in 2008 at the Fitness Universe contest, but it took two years to finally land him on the pages of AAG.

Sami's stats:
Height: 6'0, weight: 200, hair: brown, eyes: green, waist: 32, neck: 17, chest: 44
Most admired body part: pecs/chest

You find many high quality photos and videos with Sami on AllAmericanGuys.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Beach Bodybuilding

Thiago Barreto, a young Brazilian bodybuilder, works out his upper body at the beach:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuan Tran: Special Pull Ups & Chin Ups

This is how Tuan Tran's upper body looks after several sets of Pull Ups and Chin Ups. In the video the bodybuilder and raw power lifter demonstrates variations on these exercises. Tuan explains: "Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own body-weight. They are the best strength training exercises you can do for upper-body strength & muscle mass. Unfortunately Pull-ups & Chin-ups are hard. Very hard.

If you're a beginner, chances are you can't do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up. This video will not only teach you how to do Pull-ups & Chin-ups with proper technique, but also how to get stronger at them so you can do the weighted versions.

What are Pull-ups & Chin-ups? Hang on a pull-up bar with straight arms & pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. The difference between Pull-ups & Chin-ups is in the grip:
Pull-ups. Palms facing away. Less biceps, more back. Harder.
Chin-ups. Palms facing you. Work your biceps more. Easier."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Alon Gabbay's Progress

Now and before. The photos above show how hard Alon Gabbay has been training in the past years. The 23-year-old bodybuilder has created a slide show with pictures documenting his progress:

Training and posing video:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mike C: Pure Strength

"An incredibly strong muscle kid", Strengthnet.com is praising Mike C., an amazing all-natural teenage bodybuilder. Mike C. is 19 years old (18 when most of the video below was shot), stands 5'11" tall, and weighs 195lbs. Mike hasn't had any formal training in bodybuilding or powerlifting. He just uses the genetics given to him to perform extraordinary feats of strength. The video includes training sessions and an interview in which Mike talks about his workout, nutrition, hobbies and life style.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

James Ellis: My Favorite Chest Exercises

"Rock your chest out!" James Ellis invites to his intensive chest training. In four videos the fitness model demonstrates his most effective exercises.

Video 1: Chest cable flys
It is a cable fly superset for the lower, mid, & upper chest. "This will help you to get great striations and cut in your chest", James Ellis explains.

Video 2: Isolated dumbbell chest exercise
James Ellis: "Here I am demonstrating on of my favorite isolated chest workouts. It's a single arm dumbbell press on the flat bench. You can do this workout on incline and decline benches as well."

Video 3: Uneven barbell chest exercise
James Ellis: "It's a uneven barbell press on the flat bench. You can do this workout on incline and decline benches as well."

Video 4: Hammer strength machines

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nick B. Pumps Up

This man knows how to get big. AllAmericanGuys' top model Nick B. is pumping iron and hitting poses at the gym in this video:

You find many high quality videos and photos with Nick B. on AllAmericanGuys.